(A) To establish, maintain and run Nurseries, Schools, Hostels,
Educational and Vocational Institutions in accordance with cultures,
language, values, customs and traditions of Tripuri people vis-à-vis
Indian culture.
(B) To establish an Ashram in
furtherance to preserve, promote, propagate and practice Tripuri
Sanatan Hindu Dharma, culture, customs, rites, rituals, customary
laws, traditions and social bodies and such other morals, ethics and
etiquettes according to the Ideals and standards set by of Legendary
King of Tripura, Subrai Raja that is King Trilochan of Tripura’s History.
(C) To establish Cultural and
Social Institutions in furtherance to preserve and protect the
Tripuri language, heritages, wisdom, social institutions,
traditional knowledge in the sphere of arts, culture,
business and profession.
(D) To establish research and training centers to spread and promote
the traditional herbal, massage and other treatment and therapeutic
procedure of Tripuri people.
(E) To make aware and educate the tribals and remove superstitions and
superstitious practices in the matters of dieses and its treatment.
(F) To establish and run
health centers, dispensary and hospitals for the treatment of
underprivileged section of the society.
(G) To establish research and training centers for the furtherance of
education and ancient Indian knowledge in it’s various fields and
(H) To undertake propaganda, training and education of the masses in
relation to glorious heritages of Tripura either of its own or in
co-operation with similar organization working for the cause of all
round development of the Society.
(I) To bring, publish and sell, distribute books, periodicals,
leaflets, brochures and news papers and also to open and maintain
libraries, reading rooms for the promotion of the objects of the
(J) To establish centers for employment generation of the unemployed
tribal youths.
(K) To acquire and maintain the movables and immovable properties for
achieving and said objects.
(L) To advance any other objects of general public utility and public
interest with special reference to tribal people of Tripura.
(M) To confer title on eminent personality in the field of culture,
social service, education, literature etc.